smadi0x86 Playground
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Welcome to smadi0x86 Playground
These are common questions that comes to my mind answered in these links.
Why it's important to separate compilation and linking processes in C?
Compile time vs runtime?
What is origin/HEAD in git?
Gitlab CI vs Travis CI?
Clone repo using SSH or HTTPS?
Compile asm with gcc?
Difference between PE & exe?
What is an object file?
What is offset in assembly?
Difference between char[] and char* for shellcode?
Difference between win32 api & linux?
How to daemonize a process/service using systemd?
Difference between winNT api & win32 api?
LPVOID vs void?
How to write a NULL-free shellcode?
On Which Interface Should I Capture Packets?
Portable Executables vs Installers on windows?
Dynamic vs Static Linking?
What is the _t after a variable in c?
How to access arrays with pointers?
Static vs dynamic allocation?
Compiling unix headers in c?
What is #endif in c?
What is a linux repository?
Stack vs heap memory?
Deallocate memory without using free()?
Difference between disassembler, debugger, decompiler?
How to use dmesg in linux?
How to use objdump in linux?
What are types of recursion?
Pointer vs Array?
How does GCC works?
Symbolic vs macros?
What is the meaning of * (&ptr) and *(*c) in c?
Difference between -> and . in a struct?
What is a dynamically linked position independent executable (PIE)?
What are file descriptors?
What is the file descriptor of stdin, stdout, stderr?
What are Linux Drivers?
What are shared libraries in linux?
What is parsing?
Argc and argv in C?
Difference between char *argv[] and char **argv?
Why is C/C++ main argv declared as "char* argv[]" rather than just "char* argv"?
How are local variables stored at stack memory?
Difference between OS and Architecture?
Stack memory vs stack data structure?
Why is regex even used?
What is a DWORD?
Last updated
9 months ago